Learn More About Dominoes


If you’ve ever wondered where the name “Domino” comes from, you’ve come to the right place. Dominoes are a family of tile-based games. They’re rectangular tiles with square ends and numbers indicating spots. The game has been played for centuries, with a variety of different rules and variations. Learn more about dominoes at our website! And get ready to become addicted to this addictive game!

Players take turns picking a tile from the stock, laying it onto the table, and lining up adjacent ends. The opposing player will mentally note which numbers are available. When a player chips out, the game stops. However, some variations require both partners to chip out in order to win. When a pair of players reaches a certain point in the game, they are said to have “stitched up” their chains.

The word domino has an obscure origin. The word originally meant “long hooded cloak, mask, or cape” and came to be used for domino games. In its earlier days, domino pieces had ivory faces and ebony black bodies, so they may have reminded people of a priest’s cape. However, the game was invented in France sometime after 1750, and it was called a “Domino.”

Dominoes are played by two people. In a double-six set, each player draws seven tiles. They then alternately extend their line of play. The winner is the player with the most points after the game is over. In the end, the winner has a total pip count equal to the number of remaining tiles in the loser’s hand. However, there are many variations of the game. Dominoes are both interesting games.

Dominoes are similar to playing cards, with the face of the dominoes being divided into two squares. Unlike a deck of cards, dominoes have a single number (the “rank”) for each domino, and the player must match the number of spots on each tile. In some variants, the numbers of spots or pips may differ. In general, the higher the pips, the heavier the domino.

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A variant of the game, skillful dominos, uses pairs of “ends” in order to score points. Each player has a hand of dominoes, and they play in a way that aims to reach a set number of points, usually 61. Players start with one hand of dominoes and match an open end. If the number of pips is divisible by five or three, the player scores one point.